Luis Héctor Martínez García

I'm a hard-working and disciplined person. For me, each challenge is an opportunity to improve.
I'm a Back-End Web Developer, I work primarily with Python, the Django framework and Docker.


Crypto Geeks

Developer in charge of Back-End Development and Deployment assistant.
WebApp to display information and the performance of the asset fund. The Back-End was built with Django REST framework, Python and Docker.
For deployment, AWS is used for hosting and Docker (with DockerHub) are used to deploy the newest build of the project.

HTML   Python   Django   Docker  

Registro de Super

IMDb clone

This project had the aim to clone IMDb's basic functionality.
Users can rate and review movies, and the average score is displayed on the movie's page. Also, users can mark a movie as one of their 'favorites', and access a page displaying all of them.
HTML   CSS3   Python   Django   Bootstrap  

Registro de Super

WebApp to track grocery shopping expenses

This project had the aim to track and visualize grocery shopping expenses.
This project was created to learn about the implementation of User accounts in Django, as well as working with Queries and a Database. Working as a CRUD application.
CRUD: Create Read Update Delete.
For more detailed information, visit the GitHub repo or use the Demo account over at the site.
HTML   Python   Django   Bootstrap  

Cuentos Literarios

Short story publication site

This project had the aim to speed up and simplify the process of sharing my short stories. Readers can find the short stories by genre, and each one is considered an 'object' with a cover, genre, name, date of publishing and the text of the story itself.

HTML   Python   Django   Bootstrap  

Hard Skills

I'm currently going through the Odin Project course, aiming to become a Full-Stack developer.



django Django





C2 Level



Soft Skills

Clear communication

Accurate and effective communication. Useful in teamwork situations and communication of expectations and results.

Code documentation

The code I write is commented as it's being written.
Code available in my GitHub repositories.

Self-taught and fast learner

Something I don't know, is an opportunity to learn.
I have acquired my technical knowledge through books, documentation and lots of practice.

Legible code

My code is governed by the idea that it will be shared and read by more than one person, therefore, it has to be readable and come with clear documentation.

Related Job Experience

Company Tasks Dates


  • Developing features and bug fixes for U.S. based clients.
  • Tech Stack:
    • Python
    • Django
    • JavaScript
    • Git


  • Email
  • Cell-phone

    +52 (833) 336-7078
  • Socials